Who is Agnotos?


Agnotos is comprised of a group of college students who believe that humanity has severed our connection with the natural world. Each one of us takes our physical and mental health very seriously, and we believe that we have unlocked the keys to a healthy and happy lifestyle. Shortcuts taken from big corporations have led the common man to have to purchase products that are actively detrimental to their health. Oftentimes people do not realize that day to day items that they are using destroy them from the inside out. As a result, we decided that we were going to take action to combat this, so that we can avoid these pitfalls as well as help others join the journey along with us.

Our Vision

Agnotos is beginning our journey selling high quality clothing, free of synthetic plastics. However, we want to stress that we do not intend to be an apparel company. This is just the beginning of our journey here. Our hope is to provide an online marketplace for people who care about the dangers of modern manufacturing. We can help our consumers to know that the products that they are purchasing and safe and reliable. The hope is that Agnotos is not just another company looking to make a quick buck, but a group of people creating a lifestyle change that will influence our future in a positive manner. Through your support, we believe that we can accomplish these goals and create a symbiotic relationship between consumer and business.

Social Media Posts

This is a gallery to showcase images from your recent social posts

Our Founders :

Sean Donovan.